Duval County Jury Finds Rivera Guilty of Attempted Murders, Arson

Speaker's Bureau
The community often has questions about issues and hot topics related to the criminal justice system. The State Attorney's Office is here to help provide answers through our Speaker's Bureau.
Forums, community meetings, school events, civic groups, neighborhood functions, and more — if your group would like to learn more about the work our office does in a particular area of importance, please use the form submission below to request a speaker.
The office can speak to these topics and others with your group:
Violent Crime
Learn more about what the problem really looks like, and what our office is doing to stop it.
The Opioid Crisis
The numbers are staggering. In 2015, Duval County witnessed 201 overdose deaths. This number skyrocketed to more than 500 in Duval County between March 2020 and March 2021, which was a 22% increase in the same time period in 2019-2020. These numbers equal 43 overdose deaths a month and over one per day.
Fentanyl has become the leading cause of overdoses. Much like the rest of Florida, fatal overdoses from drugs such as fentanyl, cocaine, and heroin continue to plague Jacksonville, impacting every segment of our community. Learn about the causes of the problem, what first responders and law enforcement are up against, what the office is doing to help diminish the crisis, and how you can help.
Juvenile Justice
What does the future hold for our youth? The State Attorney's Office has implemented a host of new strategies on how to work with and impact young offenders in a way that keeps the community safe. Learn more about these efforts and ideas.
Human Trafficking
These crimes are often motivated by money and power and are committed against our community's most vulnerable — women and children. Learn more about how the office's efforts to pursue justice and help combat this national problem.
Conviction Integrity
In 2018, in recognition of our continuing post-conviction ethical obligations, the State Attorney’s Office established the Conviction Integrity Review Division (CIR). The CIR reviews and investigates plausible post-conviction claims of actual innocence by those whose prosecutions originated from the Fourth Judicial Circuit.