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Sexual Predator Subject to Indefinite Civil Commitment

Published on: March 24, 2017

Office of the State Attorney
Fourth Judicial Circuit of Florida

Melissa W Nelson

State Attorney

311 West Monroe Street

Jacksonville, Florida 32202-4242

(904) 255-2500

State Attorney Melissa Nelson announces that Danny Ray Conley, 48, of Jacksonville, was found subject to indefinite civil commitment as a sexually violent predator — pursuant to a unanimous jury verdict — under Florida’s Involuntary Civil Commitment for Sexually Violent Predators’ Act, also known as the “Jimmy Ryce” Act. The Honorable Donald Moran Jr. signed an order committing Conley immediately at the conclusion of trial Thursday, March 23, 2017.

According to court documents, testimony, and evidence presented at trial, Conley pleaded guilty for sexually assaulting a 5-year-old-girl in 1990. He violated his probation by not completing sex offender treatment and was sentenced to 4½ years in prison.

Within seven months of his release, Conley stabbed a woman 27 times in the face, throat and chest after she spurned his sexual advances. Conley was convicted of Attempted Second-Degree Murder in 1994 for his actions and sentenced to more than nine years in prison. Upon conclusion of that sentence, the State Attorney’s Office petitioned to have Conley committed civilly as a sexual predator. Conley has since been held at the Florida Civil Commitment Center. A jury originally committed Conley in 2012, however, an appellate court later reversed his commitment.

The case was prosecuted by Assistant State Attorneys Justin W. Dixon and Jessica Hensley.
For additional information or to schedule an interview with Dixon and Hensley, please contact David Chapman, communications director, at the contact information above.

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