Duval County Jury Finds Rivera Guilty of Attempted Murders, Arson

Juvenile Justice Advisory Committee (JJAC)
State Attorney Melissa Nelson established the Juvenile Justice Advisory Committee in 2017 to bring together passionate youth and justice advocates to develop juvenile programming that will reduce recidivism rates and crime in the Fourth Judicial Circuit. Chaired by Holland & Knight Partner Buddy Schulz, the 23-member committee is comprised of individuals with diverse backgrounds and viewpoints who spent a year and a half conducting a comprehensive review. Members discussed the effectiveness of then-current State Attorney’s Office programs and determined how they can be enhanced. Additionally, members looked at other jurisdictions as a way to incorporate best practices into the Fourth Judicial Circuit’s programs. The committee’s goal was to provide recommendations to Nelson about prospective programming. The committee’s work concluded with the issuance of a final report of findings and recommendations in May 2019.
Download the official release:
SAO4 Release – Juvenile Justice Advisory Committee
See the Two-Year Update:
SAO4 Release – Two-Year JJAC Update
See the final report:
SAO4 Juvenile Justice Advisory Committee Final Report and Recommendations
Public Notice:
SAO4 Advisory – JJAC Final Report Presentation
Committee Members
- Buddy Schulz (chair), Partner, Holland & Knight
- The Honorable Suzanne Bass, Circuit Judge (Division JV-A), Fourth Judicial Circuit
- Jim Clark, CEO, Daniel Memorial Inc.
- The Honorable Brian Davis, District Judge, U.S. Middle District of Florida
- Pamela Davis, Executive Director of Dropout Prevention, Duval County Public Schools
- Rory Diamond, CEO, K9s For Warriors
- Kevin Gay, CEO/Founder, Operation New Hope
- Nat Glover, President, Edward Waters College
- Dr. Jeff Goldhagen, Professor and Chief of Community Pediatrics, University of Florida College of Medicine — Jacksonville
- Shelley Grant, Professor of Sociology, Jacksonville University
- Marcus Haile, Chief Development Officer, Cathedral Arts Project
- Gretchen Hamm, Comprehensive Service Center Operations Manager, Mental Health Resource Center
- Elder Lee Harris, Pastor, Mt. Olive Primitive Baptist Church
- Bill Hodges, Government Affairs and Strategic Initiatives Director, Jacksonville Children’s Commission
- Alan Louder, Director of Juvenile Diversion, Fourth Judicial Circuit State Attorney’s Office
- Michael Meyers, Retired Partner, Orrick Herrington & Sutcliffe LLP
- Lara Nezami, Attorney at Law, Finnell, McGuinness, Nezami & Andux PA
- Deloris Patterson, Assistant Chief, Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office
- The Honorable Jack Schemer, Circuit Judge (FM-A), Fourth Judicial Circuit
- Anthony Stinson, Community Activist and Small Business Owner
- Nina Waters, President, The Community Foundation of Northeast Florida
- Vicki Waytowich, Executive Director, Partnership for Child Health
- Donna Webb, Chief Probation Officer, Florida Department of Juvenile Justice
Youth Advisors
- Billy Luper
- Alan McCullough
- Felton Morrell
The Juvenile Justice Advisory Committee will operate pursuant to Florida’s “Sunshine” Law and, as such, will be open to the public. Specific times and locations will be published closer to the actual meeting date. Public notices for any full or subcommittee meeting will be posted on this page at least 24 hours in advance of a meeting. Unless otherwise noted, all meetings will be 9 - 11 a.m.
Past meetings
Minutes from each meeting and other pertinent information will be uploaded in a timely manner after each meeting.
Sept. 29
JJAC Agenda Sept. 29
JJAC Minutes, Sept. 29
Schulz Introduction
Overview of Juvenile Justice System
Oct. 27
JJAC Agenda Oct. 27
JJAC Minutes, Oct. 27
Fourth Circuit Diversion Overview
A Trauma-Informed Approach to Juvenile Justice
How Do Biological Factors Influence Youth Behaviors – Emerging Practices
Reading Materials:
It Takes a Village Report
Predictive Factors of Childhood Delinquency
Dec. 1
JJAC Agenda 12.1.17
JJAC Minutes 12.1.17
Gangs and Group Think
Reading Materials:
Jan. 12
JJAC Agenda 1.12.18
JJAC Minutes 1.12.18
Restorative Justice and Community Conferencing
Reading Materials:
New York Times: Can Forgiveness Play a Role in Criminal Justice?
New York Times: When Killer and Victim’s Mother Meet, Paths from Grief, Fear, and Guilt Emerge
Fair and Just Prosecution Brief on Restorative Justice
Feb. 2
JJAC Agenda 2.2.18
JJAC Minutes 2.2.18
PACE Presentation
Reading Materials:
The State of LD: Social, Emotional, and Behavioral Changes
A Special Visit, A Transformative Moment
“Why I Send College Students to Prison”
March 9
JJAC Agenda March 9
JJAC Minutes March 9
“Mentoring and Community Engagement” by Ingrid Thomas
Reading Materials:
“The Mentoring Effect”
“Meaningful Community Service”
April 6
JJAC Agenda April 6
JJAC Minutes April 6
“Juvenile Life Skills” by Linda Joseph, Operation New Hope
Reading Materials:
“Positive Youth Development” by Karen Brown
May 11
JJAC Agenda May 11
Network for Strengthening Families
Reading Materials:
FCE Wraparound Process
June 1
JJAC Agenda June 1
JJAC Minutes June 1
Miami-Dade Juvenile Justice Model Presentation
Yoga4Change – Teaching Resilience
Reading Materials:
May 23, 2019
JJAC – Public Notice 5-23-19
The group will discuss the committee’s final report.
Subcommittee Meetings
(All dates tentative. Times/Locations will be updated as needed.)
Mentoring and Community Service
June 27 (2:30 p.m. Hearing Room 710, Duval County Courthouse)
July 11 (2:30 p.m., Hearing Room 710, Duval County Courthouse)
July 25 (2:30 p.m., Hearing Room 710, Duval County Courthouse)
Aug. 15 (2:30 p.m., Hearing Room 710, Duval County Courthouse)
Sept. 19 (2:30 p.m., Hearing Room 710, Duval County Courthouse)
Oct. 3 (2:30 p.m., Hearing Room 710, Duval County Courthouse)
Oct. 17 (2:30 p.m., Hearing Room 710, Duval County Courthouse)
Oct. 24 (2:30 p.m., Hearing Room 710, Duval County Courthouse)
Nov. 7 (2:30 p.m. Hearing Room 710, Duval County Courthouse)
Nov. 15 (2:30 p.m., Hearing Room 710, Duval County Courthouse)
Dec. 12 (2:30 p.m., Hearing Room 710, Duval County Courthouse)
Restorative Justice
July 11 (9 a.m., The Community Foundation, 245 Riverside Ave., Suite 310)
Aug. 10 (9 a.m. The Community Foundation, 245 Riverside Ave. Suite 310)
Sept. 7 (8 a.m., Conference Call. Dial (866) 740-1260, Access Code: 2091116)
• Call is with Dr. Lauren Abramson and Dr. Dan Kahn.
Aug. 15 (9 a.m., Judge Brian Davis’ chambers, 300 N. Hogan St. Suite No. 11-400)
Sept. 14 (2 p.m., Judge Brian Davis’ chambers, 300 N. Hogan St. Suite No. 11-400)
Sept. 21 (9 a.m., Judge Brian Davis’ chambers, 300 N. Hogan St. Suite 11-400)
Oct. 15 (9 a.m., Grand Park Alternative School, 2335 W. 18th St.)
Employment and Life Skills
July 20 (9 a.m., Holland & Knight, 50 N. Laura St.)
Aug. 17 (9 a.m., Holland & Knight, 50 N. Laura St.) 8/7 NOTE: This has been updated to reflect a new time and date.
Nov. 14 (1 p.m., Holland & Knight, 50 N. Laura St.)
Dec. 5 (9 a.m., Holland & Knight, 50 N. Laura St.)
Wraparound and Alternative Programming
June 29 (Noon, Cathedral Arts Project, 207 N. Laura St. Suite 300)
July 20 (Noon, Cathedral Arts Project, 207 N. Laura St., Suite 300)
Nov. 9 (1-2:30 p.m., Cathedral Arts Project, 207 N. Laura St., Suite 300)
Juvenile Brain Development and Mental Health
July 20 (2 p.m., Kids Hope Alliance, 1095 A. Philip Randolph Blvd.)
Aug. 2 (3-5 p.m. Kids Hope Alliance, 1095, A. Philip Randolph Blvd.)